Friday, November 19, 2010

Day 6 sleep bootcamp

I did mention in the previous entry that Hana has sleep problem. She is 3 months old but is an avid catnapper. She relies on being rocked to sleep by bibik and will only being hold. She loves pacifying me and will wake up the minute the nipple is out of her mouth!! It is going to become a major problem once I strated working since I'll be doing 36 hours oncall 6-8 times/month. And since Hana is thriving well (her current weight is 6.5kg), tak lama lagi patah pinggang bibik kalau nak kena rock her to sleep and carry her 1-2 hours each time. She also sleeps restlessly at night and appeared unsettled. So I started reading 3 books on how to help your baby to sleep and has been applying Tizzie Halls method to teach Hana the skill of self settling and to sleep on her own.

Today is day 6 of sleep bootcamp. Yesterday, Hana starts to become cranky since 5pm. I know that she was sleepy. After bathing, feeding and burping her, it was already 6.30pm. I put Hana in her cot, baca ayat kursi and 3 Qul, then I kissed her goodnight and tell her that mama loves her very much and she needs to learn to sleep on her own. I closed the door and waited outside. She started to protest cry for 15 minutes before falling asleep.

I went to bed at 9pm after I finished pumping and performed Isyak prayer. My hubby gave Hana her dreamfeed at 11pm and let me catch up on my sleep. Hana woke up twice at night around 2am and 3am , cried a bit but I did not pick her up as I know she was not hungry. After about 1 minute she was able to put herself to sleep! She woke up again at 4.00am, cried a bit louder and I fed her since her least milk was 5 hours ago. She woke up at 6.30 am cheerfully playing with her musical mobile. So in total, Hana had about 12hours of night sleep and only woke up for feed once.

I played with her and did some limbs and tummy exercise. I fed her around 8am and I put her to sleep around 8.15am. She cried for 5 minutes before falling asleep and woke up 30 minutes after that. She naps for 30 minutes every 2 hours so in total she had about 2 hours of day sleep.

By 5.00pm she became cranky and crying non stop and I know she wanted to sleep. So following the bedtime routine, I bath, feed and burped her. She appeared happy once I put her in the cot. I kissed her goodnight and closed the door. Amazingly, she did not cry and fall asleep after 15 minutes!!!

I am ssoo happy. Tizzie Hall did say that once your baby learn the skill to self settle with minimal fuss , the baby will soon able to sleep longer during the day as she is able to learn to resettle. I am so looking forward to that!!


Dr Ezura said...

bravo little hanna and her mummy...! keep up the good work...

Mrs Ahmad.. said...

i am emotionally and physically exhausted.. but the book keep reminding me of the long term goal that is for us, me and Hana to have good restful sleep once she is able to master the skill of self settling. Can't wait for that to happen.

Amira Amirudin said...

Yam...Rizqin pun susah tido siang...especially abang dia suka kejutkan hehe. On good days, every 2-3 hours of waking...dia akan tido dlm 15 minutes jer. Longer if Razin tak kacau.

Malam pulak...wake up for feeding....actually I don't know how to put her to sleep without breastfeed....maybe you can write down some important points from the books.

Mrs Ahmad.. said...

Amira, i don't know where to start. but basically, based on 4 books that i read, the main thing is to establish a routine, eat-play-sleep and to teach ur baby the skill to self settle, by putting her to bed awake and let her fall asleep unaided i.e feeding, rocking, dummy etc. for her to learn to settle, it will require a bit.. err... no, a LOT of crying on both parts, ur baby coz she is so used to being hold/rock/feed to sleep that she doesn't know how to do it on her own.. u will cry also sbb tak sanggup dengar ur loved one in distress..

so far hana still struggle a lot with her naps.. i'm still trying to work on it. if it is a success, i'll post an entry on the whole method.

anyways, u can refer to these books for refernce:
baby whisperer by tracy hoggs
save our sleep by tizzie hall (i bought it at the border @ the curvez0