I started weaned Hana at 5 1/2 months old. She has all the signs of readiness for solids - doubled her birth weight, loss of tongue thrust reflex, can sit with support and seemed interested in what others are eating.
Since Hana has cow's milk protein allergy, I was very cautious in introducing her solid food for fear of food allergy. Thus, I strictly followed the 4 days rule, giving her single kind of food every 4 days and looked for any signs of intolerance.
Initially, she squirmed and spit out everything that I spooned in but what do I expect? Having only milk all her 5 months life, I guess, as bland as rice cereal, it still tasted weird to her.

On weekends, I spent few minutes preparing fresh pureed food and stored them in the freezer for the next week consumption. Avocado and banana are the easiest as I can simply mash them and they are ready to be eaten. Apart from that, I baked sweet potato, and steamed carrots as well as green peas with zucchini. Unfortunately zucchini and avocado are quite difficult to get as they are only available at Cold Storage (.. avocado is not that cheap, bought it for RM5 sebiji!). If I'm too lazy, I still sought for Heinz bottled food.

Peach, apple and pear trio.. unfortunately Hana has apple allergy!

So far, Hana has been on 'makanan pelengkap' for over 3 weeks. She enjoyed food tremendously and eats twice a day. I noticed that she likes anything green particularly avocado and green peas zuchini medley and is allergic to apple and pumpkin. Surprisingly she doesn't like orange coloured food and will only take less than 5 spoons before shutting her mouth or turning away.

An empty bowl
My dear friend suggested BCC (broccoli+ cauliflower+carrot) which her son loved but I read somewhere that B and C are quite gassy. I probably withold BCC for the next couple of months since Hana fart a lot =__=
I did not realize it until I write this entry.. of all food, I have not actually tried homemade rice prorridge :p
Anyways, have you tried baby led weaning? Try google it if you have never heard of BLW. The concept make sense to me. I am ready to feed her finger food straight away but I don't think my maid is. So I'll probably stick to the old pureed food for Hana and maybe try BLW for my next baby. We'll see..
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