Thursday, August 5, 2010

Yum.. yum.. it's fruity time!

My husband just emailed me this poster.
I don't care about any warehouse sale happening this weekend coz this all-you-can-eat promotion means a gastronomical heaven for me. For those who do not know me personally, my other name would be Durian Queen! I can eat this king of fruit not by ulas but by bijik... SERIOUSLY!
Some people cannot stand the adverse effect of eating too much of it.. panas la.. demam la.. etc.. I never faced any problem before until recently when I went back to parents' house and ate like setengah bijik? My goodness, I was already sweating like a dog on a rainy day! I'm sure it was because of the pregnancy thingy that I cannot stand the heat anymore.
My main worry now would be:
1) Can I eat as much as I used to? With a limited gatric size, I don't think I can gobble up durian, manggis, dokong, rambutan and all other yummilicious tropical fruits in one session.
2) Some of my nurses said that if you eat durian and you go into labour, the liquor will have a foul smell. Izzit true? It would definitely be an embarassing moment when Dr Idora rupture my membrane and the whole labour suite smells like Durian Eau De Parfume.


Amira Amirudin said...

Yam...the last pregnancy...i went crazy for durian too....tak musim durian pun nak jugak....sampai kena 'cekik' satu bijik durian RM 15 :p

Other days I just bought at Giant...tau tak sedap...tapi nak jugak hahahaa

I think no problem la long as you take moderately. I even ate pineapple (pajeri nenas, rojak buah)while pregnant...

I'm so used to tropical fruits (pineapple, durian, etc) so takde effect la kot. Ni yg ada effect org jenis tak makan....contoh nenas, tiba2 makan nenas....memang la perut tak tahan kan?

Mrs Ahmad.. said...

I think so too.. Coz logically, our breath smells a bit when we eat durian but the urine doesn't smell like one.. unlike petai though... haahha. will definitely avoid one :)