Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Gosh, tak sangka tomorrow dah start posa and tonight dah kena Tarawikh. I told Ahmad that he should go ahead for jemaah prayer at the mosque and I'm gonna stay at home tonight. It's not that I don't want to go, solat beramai2 and dengar tazkirah, but then both my feet itch like h***. I don't know why, but since I got back from work, the skin on my feet suddenly turned red with few bintik2 spots probably due to allergic reaction. Did I terpijak ulat bulu just now or did some evil insect bite me (tapi takkan dua2 belah kaki kot?)

So I have been scratching and scratching non stop and mind you it's not easy to reach both my feet with my belly so BIG, obstructng my way and view. So in order to garu at all the odd spots, I have to sit in an akward and uncomfortable position macam acrobats and start Projek Menggaru. Arghhh.. merananye! If it doesn't subside by tonight, I might have to pay my hospital a visit for a hydrocortisone injection. .. huhu.. Ujian pertama bulan Ramadhan.

Wokeh.. have to sign off now.. nak solat Isyak and Terawikh jap..

Happy beribadat dear friends..

(p/s I wish it was my palm yang gatal, at least maksudnya nak dpt duit :P)

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