Thursday, July 22, 2010

I'm totally indicisive..

I totally couldn't decide between these two gorgeous dress for my baby girl's aqiqah. I've had a discussion with my mom earlier on and we plan to have her aqiqah when she is day 7 of life which is the most afdhal time. Me and hubby have scouted few shops and found these two baby gowns from Lovely Lace.. I have yet make up my mind on which one I'm gonna buy for her.

Can you help me to decide?


azni said...

yummy! i'll go for the white-pink/bottom one! hehe

maira said...

well, soo into the bottom one.. pinky i likey =)

Mrs Ahmad.. said...

Heheh.. your opinion is very much appreciated.. dan saya mmg setuju yg pink tu tersgt cute kan ;)

MFM's Collection said...

Sweet.. kn mn blh dpt bj ni???